Sing along Waterproof
I don´t know why I was the one who win; a one-way ticket to WEST-BERLIN; so I flew down there and whom did I found; some fuckin´ good guys with the funk on their minds; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
We had a little session with some chicks around; and we did did did it that nervous sound; so if you can imagine funk is simular to SEX ; and in view of the chicks what would follow next; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
It was me who got a feeling rigth between my legs and I shouted outâ I NEED SOME ORAL SEX ´´; so it was a luck we got a girl who sucks; all the feelings away ; ain´t this a reason to stay; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
She said: IF YOU ´RE A MAN LET´S DO IT AGAIN ´; if you´re so hot I replied WHY NOT; then she loved all the guys from rigth to left and I got the fear we would love her to death; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
With my febrile eyes I saw the drummer pushin´his strong thumb on her sugar plum; I´d never never seen a guy playin´ CLITORINA; the way he did; but don´t tell it his mother; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
Two hours later completly satisfied; I looked down the girl and I realised; there is something strange with her body-range; infact her skin was a bit too thin; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
I found a little number under her left ball; and I got the certainty; she´s a RUBBER DOLL; but in the glance back I didn´t waste my time; ´cause even if she´s rubber she is so fine; waterproof waterproof; what do you mean by that...............;
It´s all a bit harder in this furious town; and that´s an effect of the wall around; but all in all it´s a very nice scene; so come down here; and you´ll know what I mean; Rubberdoll, Rubberdoll, it´s good for your skin